Have you ever had an eerie feeling that things don’t seem quite right. Almost as you are in another world, but yet nothing seems to be out of place. Since it is the month of October and we are coming upon the day of the year when the veil is the thinnest, I thought it would be good to discuss the veil. Thin places, a term of the Celts, is a site where the veil of separation between the spirit world and our world is especially thin. These Thin places are important because the two worlds are interwoven here. Laws of Time and Space will be temporarily suspended during this period. You should be able to connect with a different dimension. The Celts knew about this connection. They believed that during this time you will be aware of supernatural happenings around you. The world will be filled with magic and full with supernatural power. Celts called it ‘Time which is no Time’. So where is a good place to experience this? Typically in places of gateways leading from one type of existence to another. The veil is thinnest around the areas below:
- At meetings of land and water;
- At meetings of night and day;
- At ecosystem edges;
- Places where lots of natural energy generates, such as at waterfalls;
- Anywhere two ecosystems overlap;
- mass soul transition sites;
- Places where energy meridians overlap; and
- Geological hotspots.
- Crossroads.

Photo by Jillian Morkan from Pexels