That Fungi is Mushrooms to be exact! Medicinal mushrooms are great on treating a variety of conditions, which also have been used in medicines throughout history. An example of mushrooms being used through history starts with a man frozen in ice around 3300 BCE (nicknamed Ötzi). He was discovered in an alpine glacier in 1991….
Astrological Psychology
Have you tried everything you can think of in the attempt to figure out the issues in your life? Has traditional methods of psychology not provided you with the results you needed? Perhaps you should give another form of psychology a try. Get ready for it… Astrological Psychology with a Psychological Astrologer. Astrological Psychology is…
IKEA: A Relationship Killer?
Have you ever been on a road trip with a significant other and realized that after spending so much time together and disagreeing on everything that maybe your relationship will not work? I think at some point, people have had an eye opening experience while traveling with each other, in which they would not have…
Donald Duck and the Magic Pentagram!
The pentagram has long been associated with the Occult, however, could the magic of the pentagram lie in math? What! It does!?! I was reminded of this, when I recently watched Disney’s Donald in Mathmagic Land. This entertaining educational film is approximately 27 minutes long and is a fun watch. During the film, Donald Duck…
Cheeky Chakras
Have you ever felt like everything in your system is off and you can’t figure out what it is? I promise, it was not the late night pizza (keep reading, the Dad jokes keep getting better) (now pause for effect) it is your Blocked Chakras. It sounds crazy, but, unblocking your chakras maybe what you…
The Magic of Healing Crystals
In this day and age, people are trying alternative ways of healing, including me. I have been using crystals for healing and I feel like it works. Is this a placebo effect? I am not sure and there are no scientific studies on the efficacy of crystal healing. However, whether it is a placebo effect…
Discover the Red Pill: Numerology
Do you feel like you are stuck in The Matrix with Keanu Reeves? Are you looking for the red pill in your life and just don’t know where to turn? Then numerology is for you! Oh wait….. maybe numerology will not help you escape the digital simulation. However, you can uncover information about the world…
Seattle’s Forgotten Garden
Kubota Garden is a free 20-acre Japanese-style garden dating to 1927, with flowers, ponds, waterfalls & a moon bridge. This is a great way to spend time in Seattle and see some unforgettable scenery. The easiest way to access the garden is by car. The Kubota Garden is currently open from 6am to 9:30pm. However,…
Cryotherapy: 5 ways it can help you
Cryotherapy is basically freezing your body in order to stimulate your skin, increase your blood circulation, reduce joint pain, provide mental stimulation and reduce muscle pain. There are several different types of cryotherapy such as facial, localized and booth. I have had several sessions of cryotherapy in a booth and I always feel like I…
A member of the Royal Astronomical Society, Dr. Percy Seymour, has reopened the debate with a provocative book, The Scientific Proof of Astrology, claims that the movements of the sun, stars and planets can influence the brains of unborn children in measurable ways. He believes human brain development may be affected by the Earth’s magnetic…