That magical time of year is upon us again! The veil grows thin and spirits, Fae and otherworldly beings come out to play. What makes Halloween even more magical? Breaking down all the numbers associated with Halloween and discovering their meaning.

Numerology of the word Halloween
Utilizing the numerology chart below, we discover Halloween has an 8+1+3+3+6+5+5+5+5 = 4+1=5 vibration. It also has four 5’s within the calculation itself.
What does this mean: Five (5) brings adaptability, independence of thought and action, and an unwillingness to (completely) conform. 5555 means big changes and fresh starts. Interestingly enough Samhain (numerology number 11) (celebrated before Halloween), the feast of the dead in Pagan and Christian times, signalizes the close of harvest and the initiation of the winter season (representing change).

Numerology of the date of Halloween 10/31/2022
Monday, October 31st is Halloween of the 2022 calendar year. However, this year is special because the date breaks down to 11 (1+0+3+1+2+0+2+2). 11 is considered a Master number and does not need to reduce further. The number 11 represents intuition and trusting your instincts. It is also considered a number having to do with duality and the mixing of our realm and the next.
So, what does this mean for us mere mortals? Things should be very interesting at Halloween this year. As you know Samhain also breaks down to 11. When Numerologists often see 11:11 it is also considered a master number in numerology. It means balance, truth, enlightenment, and refinement. Also, if you see the 1111 as one number, it means spiritual awakening.
Perhaps this Halloween the change will not just be seasons, but will result in a spiritual awakening in all of us as well. With higher vibrations, we gain more the ability to see (“gain the sight”) into the veil. So, it looks like it may be a quite thrilling Halloween after all.
If you are interested in learning more about Numerology or breaking down your own numbers check out this article: Discover the Red Pill: Numerology
Photos by: Александар Цветановић and DS stories
interesting, 11:11