I was going through my previous blog posts to generate ideas on what to write about. I finally saw the prior blog post The Magic of Healing Crystals and I realized I have an update. When I wrote The Magic of Healing Crystals, I poised a question on whether it was a placebo effect. However, I realize now that Natural Frequency is the reason you feel better with certain Crystals and Stones.
Natural Frequency
Wikipedia‘s definition of Natural frequency is as follows: “Natural frequency is the frequency at which a system tends to oscillate in the absence of any driving or damping force.” According to the Book of Stones, “When we bring the crystal into our electromagnetic field, two things occur. The electromagnetic frequencies carried by the stone will vibrate with related frequencies in our own energy field through the physical law of resonance, creating a third larger vibration field. The nervous system is attuned to these shifts in energy and transmits this information to the brain. Here the frequencies stimulate biochemical shifts that affect the physical body and shift brain function.” (Simmons & Ahsian 2005, 28)
In regards to frequencies affecting healing, let’s take a look at Sound Therapy. I wrote a blog titled Mystical Hertz Sound Therapy and in this blog it discusses how sound has been used as a healing tool for centuries and is still regularly utilized by many alternative health care centers and cultures.
By using specific rhythms and frequencies, you can slow down your brain from the beta state (which is normal consciousness) to the theta state (which is relaxed consciousness) and then even to the delta state (where internal healing can occur). This is why the same should occur when bringing crystal/stone into our energy field.
I have found many articles stating certain crystals are high vibrational, but I have yet to find a chart in Hertz measuring each crystals natural frequency. When I locate an article with this information, I will make sure to write a new blog. If you know of an article, please let me know in the comments.
Photo by Ian Beckley from Pexels