Who is Maria Orsitsch? Might she be the reason Admiral Richard E. Byrd encountered UFOs in Antartica? Or was it something else?
UFOs in Antarctica
In 1947, Admiral Richard E. Byrd led 4,000 military troops from the U.S., Britain and Australia in an invasion of Antarctica called “Operation Highjump”, and at least one follow-up expedition. This expedition, consisted of three Naval battle groups, which departed Norfolk, VA, on 2 December 1946. Many claim it was a covert US military operation to conquer alleged secret underground Nazi facilities in Antarctica and capture the German Vril flying discs, or Thule mercury-powered spaceship prototypes. This has always been denied by the US Military.
Admiral Byrd and his forces encountered heavy resistance to their Antarctic venture from “flying saucers” and had to call off the invasion.
On 5 March, 1947 the “El Mercurio” newspaper of Santiago, Chile, had a headline article “On Board the Mount Olympus on the High Seas” which quoted Byrd in an interview with Lee van Atta:
“Adm. Byrd declared today that it was imperative for the United States to initiate immediate defense measures against hostile regions. Furthermore, Byrd stated that he “didn’t want to frighten anyone unduly” but that it was “a bitter reality that in case of a new war the continental United States would be attacked by flying objects which could fly from pole to pole at incredible speeds”.
Indeed, when the United States returned to Antarctica some twelve years later, it did so once again with force, this time, nuclear force, and once again, under the cover of an “international cooperative effort,” the International Geophysical Year of 1957- 1958.
This means that if there were indeed Germans on a secret base somewhere on that frozen continent, they had some twelve years after the World War II to do whatever they were doing.
Nazis in Antarctica
Nazis were fascinated with anything regarding the Aryan race. They traveled all over the world including Antarctica to learn more of alleged origins. They sent the Schwabenland, a German ship to Antarctica in 1938, which suppositively had set up a base there.
Nazis in Antarctica, is it possible? People have hand numerous encounters with Nazi’s in South America after the war coming from the direction of Antarctica. This idea was proposed in 1947 by Ladislas Szabo, a Hungarian exile in Argentina. He claimed that Hitler survived the war and that U-boats that docked in Argentina after the war had first dropped him off at a secret Nazi base.
Another interesting fact is that at the end of the war the Allies determined that there were 250,000 Germans unaccounted for, even taking into account casualties and deaths. Could it be possible that this was a fledgling colony, and provide the essential degree of skill, expertise, and pure manpower for an industrial base of any sort, let alone the production of, even by today’s standards, extremely high technology.
Also, in 1959, three large newspapers in Chile reported front-page articles about Unidentified Flying Object encounters in which the crew members appeared to be German soldiers. In the early 1960s there were reports in New York, and New Jersey, of flying saucer ‘aliens’ who spoke German, or English with a German accent.
Maria Orsitsch
So, what does Maria have to do with Nazis, UFOs and Antarctica? Maria Orsitsch was a medium who became associated with the Vril Society in München (Munich), Germany around 1919. The Vril Society was a secret group of women that claimed to have kept their hair long in order to act as an antenna to telepathically channel. communication with other alien races.
Eventually, the group was sought out by the Nazi party. It is believed that Maria helped Hitler create a flying saucer capable of permeating space and time. Maria supposedly received a mediumistic message, written by the secret code of the German Templars, which was unknown to her that contained the plans for UFOs. She disappeared in 1945. The life of Maria Orsic is first mentioned and pictured in Bergier and Pauwels 1967 book: “Aufbruch ins dritte Jahrtausend: von der Zukunft der phantastischen Vernunft” (“Departure into the third millennium: from the future of fantastic reason”).
United States and UFOs
All information surrounding Operation Highjump was classified as ‘top-secret’, and the only person to speak about the mission was the Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal. Unfortunately, he was quickly institutionalized in Bethesda Naval Hospital psychiatric ward, and later died from a suspicious suicide. Forrestal apparently left a ‘suicide note’ which was later discovered not to be in Forrestal’s own handwriting.